Once again I am linking up with Alison Can Read for her Friday blog hop for Book Lovers and Book Bloggers!
Question of the Week: The New Year is here -- and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?
This question is hard for me, because I honestly haven't had a ton of time to plan things out for my blog... Maybe, however, that could be my resolution! Spending more time on my blog... Maybe just commenting more to blogs I read, posting more (like say at least a post a day or every other day) and just trying to keep current. I think my issue is that I feel like it has to be an all or nothing deal so when it feels like I am spending too much time blogging I completely pull away and then don't blog anything at all. That being said, I will be taking the Oregon Bar in late February, so this resolution may not be able to come to fruition until after that hurdle is jumped. (Just for those of you who care and will hold me accountable to this)