Here I am to reflect on last month's challenge, the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! It was a last minute decision for me to participate in this challenge, which I heard about from Brittany here. I am so glad that I decided to participate.
I wrote most of my posts on time (I think I had two that I wrote late is all) and I even wrote a few early!
I didn't really have a set theme of topics, but instead decided to write about whatever came to mind on that particular day.
I got a couple new followers during this challenge, and I met and started following a TON of bloggers.
The majority of the blogs that I visited in this challenge are writers or aspiring writers and I was able to find out a lot of different tips to utilize when I begin to write, which is something that I have wanted to start doing.
I would LOVE to do this challenge (or a similar one) in the future. I think it is a great way to assure that you keep writing blog posts and the particular prompts (or in this case letters) makes you think about what you would like to write.
Here is a list of my topics throughout this challenge, just to refresh those of you who are followers, and to introduce to those of you who are first-time visitors to my blog. As you can see I posted about faith, myself and my own characteristics, the Bar exam, things I do, things I want to do, interesting and fun words, etc.
A = Amen, Again and Again
B = Bar
C = Courage
D = Driving
E = Education (and the importance thereof)
F = Favorites
G = Gardening
H = High Heels
I = Insight
J = Jogging
K = Knitting
L = Getting (L)et Go
M = Movies
N = Notary Public
O = Obsessive Compulsive
P = Pictures
Q = Quandary
R = Rain
S = Sweat
T = Television
U = Ultras
V = Variety
W = Worry
X = Xylophobia
Y = Yesterday
Z = Zeal
See, I find it interesting that you got a couple new followers yet followed a ton of new blogs. I'm disappointed that more bloggers didn't reciprocate your effort. I had the same issue, at least for the amount of work I put into reading, commenting, and following other blogs. It's one of the things I complained about today in my reflections post.
ReplyDeleteI tended to be more likely to follow those blogs that had themes because then I knew what I was getting from day to day.... that may have been some people's thinking. Or perhaps they were just lazy... who knows? :)
ReplyDeleteI think I caught one of your posts at the beginning, but I don't remember. I'll have to go back and read them!
Visiting from A/Z post challenge reflections; congrats for finishing! I admire you for not having a theme, yet being able to come up with something for every letter! I found that I gained a few followers, I followed a few new blogs, checked out a lot of new blogs, always checked out blogs of new people that commented on my blog, but didn't necessarily have people that I checked out their blog reciprocate in the same way. Perhaps they acknowledged my comment on their blog, but I checked out so many per day I had no way to go back and remember who I had checked out the day before :)
ReplyDeleteIt was an interesting challenge; just not sure I'm doing it again next year :)
enjoy your weekend!