Friday, November 18, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday with "Alison Can Read" #6

This week's question is....

Letter to Santa: Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

Hmmmm considering I have been checking out a lot of books from the library lately and not buying them... it's hard to say. I would like to get the third Hunger Games book on my Kindle. And I would like to get the full Harry Potter series of books, since I only recently started reading them and I really like them a lot. Maybe also a bunch of John Grisham books and all of the Twilight books since I never bought them, but always just borrowed from my sister.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 8 of 21 day fitness plan

- 10 minute run/walk with 4:1 ratio, 10 minute walk, and 10 minute run/walk with 4:1 ratio = 2.10 miles total and 30 minutes
- 10 minutes row machine
- 20 minutes bike for 4.5 miles
- 20 minutes elliptical for 1.50 miles
- 10 minutes stairmaster for 0.50 miles
- 5 minutes abs

- Total expended from exercise = 960
- Total consumed =1962
- Total (1962-960) = 1002

- 8 glasses


Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 7 of 21 day fitness plan

- 25 minute run/walk (did the 4:1 ratio that I have heard raved about by Fruit Fly who follows the plan from Jeff Galloway and has had MUCH success)
- 10 minutes yoga
- 5 minutes abs

- Total expended from exercise = 381
- Total consumed = 1620
- Total (1620-381) = 1239

- 8 glasses

- Hopefully I get back to running farther and longer soon. The low calorie burn from today's workout was kind of sad...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 6 of 21 day fitness plan

- Didn't exercise today :(

- Total expended from exercise = 0
- Total consumed = not sure because I had an "off" day
- Total = cannot determine

- 4 glasses

- Today was another "off" day... hopefully it doesn't ruin my fitness...