Ok so let me explain why this is 100.2 (for those of you who may care)
I say 100 because it feels like this is the 100th time (at least) where I have attempted to get back on the fitness train... And I say 2 because this is my second week of doing this...
Simple, no?
Monday, January 9th
- Scheduled = Rest day
- Done = Rest day
Tuesday, January 10th
- Scheduled = 30 min "wog" (5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog)
- Done = 30 min wog = 2.30 miles total
Wednesday, January 11th
- Scheduled = 30 min "wog" (5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog)
- Done = 30 min wog = 2.31 miles total
Thursday, January 12th
- Scheduled = 60 min cross training activity of my choice
- Done = 5 songs done on the sweat it out section of my new Just Dance 3 Wii game!
Friday, January 13th
- Scheduled = 30 min "wog" (5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog)
- Done = 30 min wog = 2.34 miles total
Saturday, January 14th
- Scheduled = 60 min cross training activity of my choice
- Done = Nothing :(
Sunday, January 15th
- Scheduled = 35 min long "wog" (5 min walk, 15 min jog, 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk)
- Done = Nothing :(
Total miles wogged = 6.95 MILES
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Follow My Book Blog Friday With Alison Can Read #13
It's Friday and you know what that means!!! It's time for Follow My Book Blog Friday! :)

Music is a HUGE part of my life. I have always listened to it and my mom even taught us to have a great appreciation for music from a young age, all genres, old and new. That being said, my list might be a bit sporadic for some of you, due to the mass variety of artists. Anyway, here goes...
The Eagles
Steve Miller Band
Tom Petty
Elton John
Fleetwood Mac
The Rolling Stones
Phil Collins
Pink Floyd
Florence and the Machine
Lady Gaga
Maroon 5
Foo Fighters (BEST concert EVERRRRR)
Linkin Park
Smashing Pumpkins
Third Eye Blind (older stuff)
311 (older stuff)
Matchbox 20 (older stuff)
Alanis Morrisette
Alice in Chains
Ben Folds
Blink 182
No Doubt
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Wallflowers
Reba McEntire
Carrie Underwood
Keith Urban
Tim McGraw
Clay Walker
Faith Hill
Martina McBride
Rap/Hop Hop
Notorious BIG
Ok... so that's a TON and I have barely scratched the surface... lol...

Question of the Week: Many readers/bloggers are also big music fans. Tell us about a few of your favorite bands/singers that we should listen to in 2012
Music is a HUGE part of my life. I have always listened to it and my mom even taught us to have a great appreciation for music from a young age, all genres, old and new. That being said, my list might be a bit sporadic for some of you, due to the mass variety of artists. Anyway, here goes...
The Eagles
Steve Miller Band
Tom Petty
Elton John
Fleetwood Mac
The Rolling Stones
Phil Collins
Pink Floyd
Florence and the Machine
Lady Gaga
Maroon 5
Foo Fighters (BEST concert EVERRRRR)
Linkin Park
Smashing Pumpkins
Third Eye Blind (older stuff)
311 (older stuff)
Matchbox 20 (older stuff)
Alanis Morrisette
Alice in Chains
Ben Folds
Blink 182
No Doubt
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Wallflowers
Reba McEntire
Carrie Underwood
Keith Urban
Tim McGraw
Clay Walker
Faith Hill
Martina McBride
Rap/Hop Hop
Notorious BIG
Ok... so that's a TON and I have barely scratched the surface... lol...
Just Closed... [Want to go Private?]

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was extremely powerful and moving. I was unsure about it when I read the description, but ended up really enjoying it. Abby is a freshman in high school, she is going through a rough patch in her life with both her friends and her family. In this time she turns to a friend she makes online in a chatroom for teenagers who ends up being an internet predator. In an effort not to give away too much I will say that this book shows how easy it is for helpless teens and children to be swayed by predators who pretend to be their friends and pretend to care about them. I think this book should be required reading for children, especially as our world becomes more and more internet based. This shows the horrors that come along when sick and twisted individuals prey on children. What happens not only to the children, but to their families, their friends, their communities. I was finding myself staying up late into the night reading, just because I could not put it down.
View all my reviews
N2U CT Challenge January edition
I'm certain many of you runner bloggy buddies out there have heard of fellow runner, (Just) Trying is for Little Girls, right?
If not, you should totally go check out her blog. She is super inspiring as a runner, blogger, and just all around woman!
Well the reason I bring her blog up is because I have signed up to participate in her monthly challenge for 2012 which is called the New To You Cross Training Challenge (aka N2U CT Challenge as my post title indicates)
What this challenge entails is trying out one (at least) new (to you) cross training experience each month of 2012! As all of my fellow runners know, cross training is VERY important as a part of training, and it is also something that is often tossed aside by runners because oftentimes we just want to run!
So all of this being said, today I accomplished my new cross training experience for January of 2012!
I recently got the Just Dance 3 game for my Wii and my future mother in law was kind enough to show me that there is actually a "sweat" option along with the regular "dance" option, so that you can utilize the game not just for fun but also for getting in a workout.
Today I selected "sweat" and sweat I did! I did 5 songs total and had a lot of fun. Did I sense my uncoordination? Yes. Did I miss a lot of the "moves"? Yes. But did I get a workout? Yes.
I am choosing not to post any pictures because I didn't take any, but if you look up Just Dance 3 on google you can see what this game entails.
Hope you check back in to see what I have in store for February's new activity and be sure to stop by and sign up for the challenge at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls!
If not, you should totally go check out her blog. She is super inspiring as a runner, blogger, and just all around woman!
Well the reason I bring her blog up is because I have signed up to participate in her monthly challenge for 2012 which is called the New To You Cross Training Challenge (aka N2U CT Challenge as my post title indicates)
What this challenge entails is trying out one (at least) new (to you) cross training experience each month of 2012! As all of my fellow runners know, cross training is VERY important as a part of training, and it is also something that is often tossed aside by runners because oftentimes we just want to run!
So all of this being said, today I accomplished my new cross training experience for January of 2012!
I recently got the Just Dance 3 game for my Wii and my future mother in law was kind enough to show me that there is actually a "sweat" option along with the regular "dance" option, so that you can utilize the game not just for fun but also for getting in a workout.
Today I selected "sweat" and sweat I did! I did 5 songs total and had a lot of fun. Did I sense my uncoordination? Yes. Did I miss a lot of the "moves"? Yes. But did I get a workout? Yes.
I am choosing not to post any pictures because I didn't take any, but if you look up Just Dance 3 on google you can see what this game entails.
Hope you check back in to see what I have in store for February's new activity and be sure to stop by and sign up for the challenge at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Project Zero - 101 in 1001
Soooo for a New Years' idea of sorts I decided to join in on "Project Zero"
Basically you come up with 101 things that you wish to accomplish over a period of 1001 days.
Start Date = Monday January 9th, 2012
End Date =Monday October 6th, 2014

1. Pass the Oregon Bar Exam
2. Participate in NanoWrimo
3. Compete in and finish a marathon!
4. Open own solo law practice
5. Write a book (or short story)

6. Find a church to attend in Salem
7. Re-read the Bible in a year using a program like before
8. Join an online Bible study
9. Spend a month actively praying for family and friends and keep a list of people and keep it in a visible place [0/31]
10. Organize my notes from when I read the Bible all the way through in 2011
11. Do at least 10 more devotionals of varying lengths from my Bible [0/10]
12. Plan a time with Aaron and my mom and sister in which to get my niece dedicated and baptized at our community church
13. Buy Selena her first Bible

14. Pay off my quad
15. Pay off both of my credit cards (Amazon and B of A)
16. Make my own coffee ONLY for 1 Month [0/31]
17. Start couponing for groceries
18. Establish an emergency fund of $5,000
19. Keep track of all spending for 1 month [0/31]
20. Donate to my undergrad
21. Buy a house
22. Buy a new car
23. Buy a new couch and recliner

24. Go on a hiking trip to Silver Falls with a friend or group of friends
25. Go camping with girlfriends (without our boys)
26. Go one week without caffeine [0/7]
27. Go one month without fast food [0/31]
28. Floss every night for one week [0/7]
29. Run 20 miles in one single run
30. Go skiing or snowboarding for the FIRST time
31. Give up soda for 1 month [0/31]
32. Give up sugar for 1 month [0/31]
33. Try all of the classes at the gym at least once
34. Grow a garden in the planter boxes
35. Go to bed by 9pm for 1 week [0/7]
36. Get up and out of bed by 6am for 2 weeks [0/14]

37. Use and improve my Spanish
38. Identify 100 things that make me happy [0/100]
39. Learn 1 thing new every day for 1 month [0/31]
40. Try 50 new recipes [0/50]
41. Join Toastmasters
42. Learn how to play PS3 so I can play Call of Duty with Joe
43. Make a pizza from scratch
44. Learn how to knit
45. Learn how to crochet

46. Clean and organize office/spare room
47. Organize pictures
48. Delete all duplicated songs off itunes and find names for all unnamed songs
49. Get all photos into albums
50. Get everything of mine from mom's house and organize it
51. Help mom get her house in order
52. Clean and organize garage

53. Attend a music festival
54. Try 10 new local restaurants with or without Joe [0/10]
55. Replace movies we only have on VHS with movies on DVD or Bluray
56. Go to the ballet
57. Go to the opera
58. Go to a comedy club
59. Join a couples' pool playing league with Joe
60. Buy a companion African Grey parrot for Harrison

61. Befriend someone new
62. Visit with a friend in person at least once a month [0/33]
63. Meet a blog friend
64. Attend MY 10 year high school reunion
65. Attend Joe's 10 year high school reunion with him
66. Host a games night
67. Host a dinner party
68. Have a mother/daughter day
69. Have a niece/auntie day

70. Read 100 NEW TO ME books [0/100]
71. Read a book of poems
72. Finish reading the entire Harry Potter series [3/7]

73. See all of AFI's top 100 movies [19/100]
74. Discover 10 (new to me) musicians [0/10]
75. Learn to drive a stick shift
76. Learn to drive in Joe's BIG truck comfortably
78. Buy someone a gift off Etsy

79. Find places looking for volunteers and volunteer somewhere once a month [0/33]
80. Send a family member a care package
81. Send a friend a care package
82. Give a gift "just because"
83. Choose 3 organizations to contribute to financially [0/3]

84. Watch the sunrise 10 times [0/10]
85. Take walks with Joe after he gets off work every evening for a week
86. Meditate for 30 minutes every morning for 1 month [0/31]
87. Write a letter to a future me :)
88. Spend a whole day painting
89. Spend a whole day drawing

90. Visit Joe's aunt and uncle in St. Croix
91. Go to NY - a BIG dream of mine
92. Go out of the country (never been)
93. Take a road trip with some girlfriends
94. Plan a trip to see a family member I have never met before (or cannot remember ever meeting)
95. Visit 3 NEW TO ME national parks [0/3]
96. Visit Mount Rushmore
97. Visit Central Park
98. Go to Times Square
99. Shop in downtown NYC
100. Run a race somewhere out of state
101. Visit with Katie in Las Vegas
Basically you come up with 101 things that you wish to accomplish over a period of 1001 days.
Start Date = Monday January 9th, 2012
End Date =Monday October 6th, 2014

1. Pass the Oregon Bar Exam
2. Participate in NanoWrimo
3. Compete in and finish a marathon!
4. Open own solo law practice
5. Write a book (or short story)

6. Find a church to attend in Salem
7. Re-read the Bible in a year using a program like before
8. Join an online Bible study
9. Spend a month actively praying for family and friends and keep a list of people and keep it in a visible place [0/31]
10. Organize my notes from when I read the Bible all the way through in 2011
11. Do at least 10 more devotionals of varying lengths from my Bible [0/10]
12. Plan a time with Aaron and my mom and sister in which to get my niece dedicated and baptized at our community church
13. Buy Selena her first Bible

14. Pay off my quad
15. Pay off both of my credit cards (Amazon and B of A)
16. Make my own coffee ONLY for 1 Month [0/31]
17. Start couponing for groceries
18. Establish an emergency fund of $5,000
19. Keep track of all spending for 1 month [0/31]
20. Donate to my undergrad
21. Buy a house
22. Buy a new car
23. Buy a new couch and recliner

24. Go on a hiking trip to Silver Falls with a friend or group of friends
25. Go camping with girlfriends (without our boys)
26. Go one week without caffeine [0/7]
27. Go one month without fast food [0/31]
28. Floss every night for one week [0/7]
29. Run 20 miles in one single run
30. Go skiing or snowboarding for the FIRST time
31. Give up soda for 1 month [0/31]
32. Give up sugar for 1 month [0/31]
33. Try all of the classes at the gym at least once
34. Grow a garden in the planter boxes
35. Go to bed by 9pm for 1 week [0/7]
36. Get up and out of bed by 6am for 2 weeks [0/14]

37. Use and improve my Spanish
38. Identify 100 things that make me happy [0/100]
39. Learn 1 thing new every day for 1 month [0/31]
40. Try 50 new recipes [0/50]
41. Join Toastmasters
42. Learn how to play PS3 so I can play Call of Duty with Joe
43. Make a pizza from scratch
44. Learn how to knit
45. Learn how to crochet

46. Clean and organize office/spare room
47. Organize pictures
48. Delete all duplicated songs off itunes and find names for all unnamed songs
49. Get all photos into albums
50. Get everything of mine from mom's house and organize it
51. Help mom get her house in order
52. Clean and organize garage

53. Attend a music festival
54. Try 10 new local restaurants with or without Joe [0/10]
55. Replace movies we only have on VHS with movies on DVD or Bluray
56. Go to the ballet
57. Go to the opera
58. Go to a comedy club
59. Join a couples' pool playing league with Joe
60. Buy a companion African Grey parrot for Harrison

61. Befriend someone new
62. Visit with a friend in person at least once a month [0/33]
63. Meet a blog friend
64. Attend MY 10 year high school reunion
65. Attend Joe's 10 year high school reunion with him
66. Host a games night
67. Host a dinner party
68. Have a mother/daughter day
69. Have a niece/auntie day

70. Read 100 NEW TO ME books [0/100]
71. Read a book of poems
72. Finish reading the entire Harry Potter series [3/7]

73. See all of AFI's top 100 movies [19/100]
74. Discover 10 (new to me) musicians [0/10]
75. Learn to drive a stick shift
76. Learn to drive in Joe's BIG truck comfortably
78. Buy someone a gift off Etsy

79. Find places looking for volunteers and volunteer somewhere once a month [0/33]
80. Send a family member a care package
81. Send a friend a care package
82. Give a gift "just because"
83. Choose 3 organizations to contribute to financially [0/3]

84. Watch the sunrise 10 times [0/10]
85. Take walks with Joe after he gets off work every evening for a week
86. Meditate for 30 minutes every morning for 1 month [0/31]
87. Write a letter to a future me :)
88. Spend a whole day painting
89. Spend a whole day drawing

90. Visit Joe's aunt and uncle in St. Croix
91. Go to NY - a BIG dream of mine
92. Go out of the country (never been)
93. Take a road trip with some girlfriends
94. Plan a trip to see a family member I have never met before (or cannot remember ever meeting)
95. Visit 3 NEW TO ME national parks [0/3]
96. Visit Mount Rushmore
97. Visit Central Park
98. Go to Times Square
99. Shop in downtown NYC
100. Run a race somewhere out of state
101. Visit with Katie in Las Vegas
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Back on the fitness wagon for the umpteenth time!
Seriously life, quit pushing me off!
Sooo as you readers probably noticed in a prior posting of mine, I have decided to get back into running training! Largely because I have a BIG half marathon coming up in May and largely because I haven't been able to keep consistent in a way that could even lend to me starting even the most beginner of half training plans (many of which highly recommend 2 months of regular training prior to beginning their plans)
All of that being said, I am back and I am ready to rock and roll! And most importantly, to RUN! So here is my schedule for this week, complete with progress made thus far, and what is scheduled for the remainder of the week!
Monday Jan 2
- Scheduled = Rest day
- Done = Rest :)
Tuesday Jan 3
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk
- Done = 30 min wog at 2.10 miles total
Wednesday Jan 4
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk
- Done = 30 min wog at 2.21 miles total
Thursday Jan 5
- Scheduled = 60 minutes cross training of my choice
- Done = 60 minutes stationary bike @ gym for total of 10.5 miles
Friday Jan 6
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog
- Done = 33:30 min "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 3.5 min walk at 2.52 miles total
Saturday Jan 7
- Scheduled = 60 minutes cross training of my choice :)
- Done = short walk with Joe (not 60 min, maybe 15)
Sunday Jan 8
- Scheduled = 35 minutes long "wog" - 5 walk, 10 run, 5 walk, 10 run, 5 walk
- Done = Rest day :(
Total miles ran/walked/jogged = 6.83 miles
Total miles biked =10.5 miles
My half is on Sunday May 20th and the training plan I would like to utilize is 12 weeks long... That means I need to start officially training on Monday Feb 27th (the day before the 2 day Bar exam... ick!) which gives me a little less than 2 months to get back to regular running and to get my endurance back up!
Sooo as you readers probably noticed in a prior posting of mine, I have decided to get back into running training! Largely because I have a BIG half marathon coming up in May and largely because I haven't been able to keep consistent in a way that could even lend to me starting even the most beginner of half training plans (many of which highly recommend 2 months of regular training prior to beginning their plans)
All of that being said, I am back and I am ready to rock and roll! And most importantly, to RUN! So here is my schedule for this week, complete with progress made thus far, and what is scheduled for the remainder of the week!
Monday Jan 2
- Scheduled = Rest day
- Done = Rest :)
Tuesday Jan 3
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk
- Done = 30 min wog at 2.10 miles total
Wednesday Jan 4
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk
- Done = 30 min wog at 2.21 miles total
Thursday Jan 5
- Scheduled = 60 minutes cross training of my choice
- Done = 60 minutes stationary bike @ gym for total of 10.5 miles
Friday Jan 6
- Scheduled = 30 minute "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog
- Done = 33:30 min "wog" - 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 5 min walk, 10 min jog, 3.5 min walk at 2.52 miles total
Saturday Jan 7
- Scheduled = 60 minutes cross training of my choice :)
- Done = short walk with Joe (not 60 min, maybe 15)
Sunday Jan 8
- Scheduled = 35 minutes long "wog" - 5 walk, 10 run, 5 walk, 10 run, 5 walk
- Done = Rest day :(
Total miles ran/walked/jogged = 6.83 miles
Total miles biked =10.5 miles
My half is on Sunday May 20th and the training plan I would like to utilize is 12 weeks long... That means I need to start officially training on Monday Feb 27th (the day before the 2 day Bar exam... ick!) which gives me a little less than 2 months to get back to regular running and to get my endurance back up!
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