Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lose a Marathon Challenge - Week 1 (completed)

This marks the first week of the 13 week challenge that I am participating in, called Lose a Marathon! The goal is for me to lose 26.2 pounds (or MORE) over the next 13 weeks! There is also the Lose a Half Marathon program where the goal is to lose 13.1 pounds over the next 13 weeks.

In order to lose 2 pounds a week I need to create a 1000 calorie deficit each day, that will certainly be tough, but I think I can do it! I am thinking about starting to do 2 a day workouts a few days a week, just to kick start things. I have also decided to re-start the #6PackMarch challenge from The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans that you can find HERE.

Obviously I have to change the schedule since I will be starting on the 19th (today), which will technically be the 1st on the calendar.

Beginning Weight = 170 pounds
Goal Weight =  143.8 pounds

#6PackMarch - WEEK 1
* Day 1 (Tuesday, June 19th) - 10 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, 10 seconds plank
* Day 2 (Wednesday, June 20th) - 10 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, 15 seconds plank
* Day 3 (Thursday, June 21st) - 15 sit-ups, 7 push-ups, 20 seconds plank
* Day 4 (Friday, June 22nd) - Rest day
* Day 5 (Saturday, June 23rd) - 20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 25 seconds plank
* Day 6 (Sunday, June 24th) -  20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 30 seconds plank

#LoseAMarathon - WEEK 1
* Day 1 (Tuesday, June 19th) - Spin class, weight lifting, 30 minute EZ jog of 2.44 miles (12:17 pace)
* Day 2 (Wednesday, June 20th) - Hill work (1 mile warm up, followed by 2 sets of 10 14 short hill repeats at Bush Park [for approx 1 mile total], ending with 1 1.50 mile cool down) = 3.50 miles in 50:08 (14:17 pace) --> walked down the hill after each ascent which made my pace a LOT slower
* Day 3 (Thursday, June 21st) - Spin class, weight lifting, 30 minute EZ jog
* Day 4 (Friday, June 22nd) - 4 mile run Rest day due to feeling ill
* Day 5 (Saturday, June 23rd) - 5 mile run 6 mile run in 1:15:40 (12:36 pace) YAY
* Day 6 (Sunday, June 24th) - Rest day? 4 mile run in 50:00 (12:26 pace) WAHOO

Total Miles = 15.94 miles

**Blue = Accomplished
**Purple = To be Accomplished

Measurements (beginning of challenge - Tuesday, June 19th)
- Hips = 44"
- Waist = 38"
- Chest = 35"
- Left Thigh = 26"
- Right Thigh = 26"
- Left Calf = 15"
- Right Calf = 15"
- Left Bicep = 11"
- Right Bicep = 12"

1 comment:

  1. I just saw on the news that if you stand rather than sit to do computer work, etc., you can lose 1,000 calories a day. Not too shabby!

    I don't know what state you're in, but I had a friend who works for a TV network just get her law license in California. The aforementioned is one of the few that do not require attendance in a university.

    She studied on her own, took the exam and viola!

    You'll pass this time, just watch!
