Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for...Courage

The courage to step up and take your fears head-on.  

Courage is something that I like to think I have.  

Courage is something I continually try to work on.  

Courage is one of the most important attributes for a person to have (at least in my opinion...)

There are so many things in the world that people can be afraid of. The world is a scary place. If you don't have courage, it makes it hard to go out and face things, even normal day to day tasks.

Before I was afraid of speaking in front of crowds.

I obtained courage to do so by going out and speaking. I spoke at my high school graduation as one of the Valedictorians. I sang in the talent show during my senior year of high school. I participated in a scholarship pageant in my junior year of high school. I did as many things as I possibly could to push myself out of my comfort zone.

I couldn't have done these things without courage.

In law school I participated in Moot Court, competing in 2 trial competitions, and I participated in the Intensive Trial Practice course which culminated with a full on trial in front of an actual judge and jury.

I will admit that I still get butterflies in these situations, I doubt they will ever go away completely. But do I know that I am capable of doing these things? Yes, I do.

I am confident in my abilities and I wouldn't be able to say that if I didn't have the courage to step out and take these fears head on.

To close I want to share my most favorite Bible verse which relates to having courage...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

**This post is for the April A to Z Challenge


  1. Great quote from the Bible - tho am not myself a Bible thumper! But courage is a good quality. People often tell me I am very courageous and I always just think I was living life to the fullest! It's great to push ourselves out of the comfort zone and challenge our fears. I too have done that and by doing so have discovered who I really am. Good luck with the A-Z!
